Monday, March 5, 2007


These pics are from GoldwaterRep !! Thanks Tom!!! Sorry folks, I got Arizona and GoldwaterRep photos backwards, the latest are on top, and the text is on top of the posts, I'm still rusty at this, you know Air force and l0st!!!! GBG Geez, Ijust learned ho to edit a post after !#$)%*&#$%)*!#$) ing it up!!!! GBG

The following pics are from Arizona. Thanks Woody!!!! Great ride!! Wow is about all that comes to mind!! Now about that lunch and beers, WHAT ride were YOU on???!!!! GBG

The following pics are from Arizona. Thanks Woody!!!! Great ride!! Wow is about all that comes to mind!! Now about that lunch and beers, WHAT ride were YOU on???!!!! GBG

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Al asked me to post pics of the Challenge Medallian given to PGR / thru me. It will go to it's rightful home soon, and that's Al. Taking the pics was difficult, it's highly polished. The dark blue that you see with the Chief Master Sergent stripes with three over, is the same blue on the other side Army Nation Guard and Air National Guard. I just couldn't get the pic to come out, but you can read the inscription.

We had 12 bikes show up, two were from Moffett, nice ride!!!! MadDog didn't get us lost at SFO, and I was afraid to try after botching the practice run!!!!

Met the limo's after loading and off we went down 101, for about 25 miles. Security was waiting for us at Moffett that was aranged by Tony. Tony was a huge part of this mission,
could NOT have done it without him!!! Thanks Tony!!! Thanks to Sgt Long also!!!
I hope I didn't botch names, that is NOT my strong suit....

Tony and Sgt Long, Jason? I think, led the bikes and limo's on the home stretch.
Security led us around and to the waiting family and friends. Band playing, quite s sight!

Many handshakes from the ranking members thanking us for being there. They were told
many times, it was OUR honor, and thanked them for allowing us to ride escort.

MadDog manages to lead us off the base without incident, nobody got lost!!! All and all a great run. It's really nice to do a fun mission, even if we did have to plan it three times!!! Guess that's what it took to get it right!!! Cranky

This is all the bikes but Woody's, he parked by the sidewalk so folks would know this was the EXXON, yes, more heat.

I had to take a pic of the EXXON place I told folks to go to, well, I at least got the address right!!! I took a bit of heat for this one. That and trying a practice lap thru the airport and getting lost!!! !(%&(#%!&#$%(! GBG

Some of the usual suspects!! GBG